The walk
Two marked walks are available; the 13.1 mile half-marathon distance and a shorter 5 mile walk more suitable for families and younger walkers who may wish to take a gentle stroll with picnic.
Both routes include tracks, public roads and footpaths around Otmoor. Maps of both courses will be available at the Start.
The walks start and finish on the playing field at the Millennium Hall in Horton cum Studley (OX33 1AD), where free parking and toilets will be available.
A commemorative badge will be awarded to the first 200 finishers.
Registration and first starts for walkers are from 8:30am, with last starts at 11:00am. Check-in for finishers will close at 2:00pm
Pre-entry is not required by those wishing to take part in the Otmoor Challenge Walk.
However, to save yourself time during Registration, you can download and print the registration form in advance.
Take the completed form, together with your entry fee, to the Registration Desk on Saturday morning before starting the walk.
Entry fees for walkers (for both courses) are:
Adults (16 and over) = £6
Children (under 16) = Free, but must be accompanied by an adult
All walkers must pay the entry fee on the day by CASH or CARD ONLY..
Dogs are welcome, but must be kept under control at all times. Owners are responsible for picking up and disposing of dog mess in appropriate bins.
The Otmoor Challenge Association encourages walkers to gain sponsorship for their favourite charities. However, the Association does not organise sponsorship on behalf of walkers, nor accepts sponsorship in lieu of the appropriate entry fee. Walkers should collect their own sponsorship funds and pass them directly to the charity concerned.